OMEGA TRIBE HAVE confirmed that the band will not be splitting up, following the tragic death of founder member Daryl Hardcastle in February at the age of 59.

Writing on Omega Tribe’s official Facebook page, the band explain:

Daryl would have wanted us to carry on, he would have dismissed any sentimentality or excessive mourning around his death.

So, we carry on.

We had our first play in a while with our new member Rav Dano, very happy that they have joined us.

We’re back to work on the – nearly finished- new album next week too.

Freedom, Peace and Unity

Omega Tribe

The band have recruited Rav Dano as their new bass player. Writing on Facebook, Dano said that they were “very thankful to Hugh & Emma for asking me” and acknowledged that they were “stepping in really big shoes.”

I’ll try my best to play as much as possible as brilliant as Daryl used to play! All that is feeling surreal to me! Like a dream! Omega Tribe are one of my top favourite bands! My 1st time in the UK and 1st gig was AWOD Festival 2017 where they played! Since then we became friends and I was following their London gigs. I feel happy and sad in the same time now. I wish Daryl could be still in the band on bass. Everything I do in the band is gonna be in his honour! Hope he rests in Freedom, Peace & Harmony!

Rav Dano